Zhou Wei

Management Committee,Founding Partner

E-mail: zhouwei@winzonelaw.com 
Location: Shanghai 
Tel: 13916736812
Fax: 021-62103539
Education Background

LLM, Fudan University

Work Experience
  • 2005-2007 Lawyer, Tian Fu Law Firm
  • 2008 - Present Senior Partner, Shanghai Zhong Hua Law Firm
Areas of expertise

Mr. Zhou specializes in corporate and commercial matters, construction and real estate, mergers and acquisitions, investment and financing, and dispute resolution.

In the field of corporate and commercial affairs, Mr. Zhou has provided permanent legal counsel and special legal services for many enterprises, drafted and reviewed a large number of legal documents, conducted in-depth research and accumulated rich experience in top-level equity structure design, optimization of internal corporate governance structure, internal and external legal risk prevention and control, and management system improvement. He has provided professional legal services to clients in the areas of investment and financing, equity structure construction, governance structure optimization, employee equity incentive program design, corporate secrecy system design, contract drafting and review, management system revision and improvement, attorney letter and legal opinion issuance, corporate criminal compliance review, corporate legal risk management training, litigation and arbitration, etc.

In the field of M&A and investment and financing, Mr. Zhou has provided legal services for Kailer Environment (301070), Pengdun Electric (830990), Anxin Trust, Xiangtan Real Estate, Nanjing Liuhe New Town, Dongfang, Qianzhiyuan Fund, Euromoney Asset, Music Valley Group, Quantum Ze Investment, Hongkun Investment, Ruijin Technology, etc., covering IPO listing, bond issuance, legal due diligence, transaction structure design, commercial negotiation, transaction document production and arbitration. Commercial negotiation, transaction document production and review, legal risk alert, etc.

Dispute Resolution. Mr. Zhou specializes in company-related disputes (including equity transfer, shareholders' right to know, liability for damage to company interests, betting disputes, etc.), litigation and arbitration in the fields of investment and financing, construction and real estate, and matrimonial and family matters.

Classic Cases
  • Kailer Corporation - Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM IPO Project
  • Heng Run Asset - Real Estate Acquisition Project
  • Qianzhiyuan Fund-Equity Investment Project
  • Sheraton Hotel - Business negotiation project
  • Gaomi State Capital - 3 billion yuan bond issuance project
  • Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group - Anti-monopoly case
  • Wanghai International - Trademark infringement case
  • Jingdu Real Estate-Equity dispute
  • Wang Zhengmin's "Fraudulent Gate"-Social hot cases
  • Qiu Yang Investment-Long March Tiancheng Securities Misrepresentation Case
  • Dafabet Group-engineering project dispute
  • Huadong NC-Directed Share Issuance Arbitration Case
  • Unipower - Liquidation Liability Dispute
  • Guangfa Bank - Fund sales breach of suitability obligations
  • Chensheng Industry and Trade-Korea POSCO Group International Trade Arbitration
Social positions and honors
  • Member of the 15th CPPCC of Hongkou District
  • Third Top Ten Young Lawyers of Hongkou District
  • First Secretary General of Hongkou District Young Lawyers Association
  • Member of the Standing Committee of the Ninth Hongkou District Youth Federation
  • First Secretary General of the Lawyer Branch of Hongkou District New Social Class People's Friendship Association
  • Member of Social Responsibility Promotion Committee of Shanghai Bar Association
  • Member of the 12th Committee of Shanghai Youth Federation
  • Member of the Eighth Committee of Shanghai Young Entrepreneurs Association
Working Language

Chinese, English

