Zhou Xueyu

Founding Partner

E-mail: zhouxy@winzonelaw.com 
Location: Shanghai 
Tel: 133 3193 6189 
Fax: 021-62103539
Education Background

Bachelor of Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Master of Law, Fudan University

Work Experience
  • Since 1994, he has worked in a district city administration bureau and a district housing and land administration bureau in Shanghai.
  • 2009-present Senior Partner, Shanghai Zhong Hua Law Firm
Areas of expertise

Complex commercial investment disputes, contract disputes, construction disputes, real estate property disputes, insurance, commercial franchising, major damages, and equity transfer.

Mr. Zhou has successfully represented many major commercial property disputes, investment disputes, contract disputes, construction disputes, real estate property disputes, and is good at handling difficult litigation cases in the fields of debt and debts, investment disputes, property disputes, companies, contracts, real estate, insurance, labor arbitration, and damages, etc. He has rich experience in judicial practice and high litigation skills, and can skillfully and harmoniously handle all kinds of complex social relations. He has been interviewed and broadcasted by Shanghai TV "Case Focus" program.

Mr. Zhou is committed to the field of corporate legal counseling service all year round, serving as the permanent legal advisor of many enterprises, and has rich practical experience in non-litigation fields such as enterprise investment, restructuring, reorganization, separation, merger, liquidation, investment, equity transfer, leasing, property rights trading, commercial franchising, etc., and has been invited as a full-time consulting lawyer by relevant legal websites and media. Since 2012, he has been employed by East China Normal University as an external guest lecturer, lecturing year-round on the topic of "Management Legal Risks and Prevention of Schools and Educational Institutions", and has provided legal counseling services for a number of educational institutions by combining his years of experience and legal professional expertise.

Mr. Zhou has handled a number of investment dispute cases for Taiwanese businessmen in Shanghai, and has maintained good communication with clients at the level of Taiwanese business service industry all year round, providing legal remedies for irregular investment behaviors of the parties concerned and safeguarding the legal rights and interests of Taiwanese businessmen, which has gained the recognition of the majority of Taiwanese businessmen in Shanghai. At the same time, he is responsible for moderating the online world of Taiwanese businessmen in Shanghai: "New World for Taiwanese Businessmen", "New World for Taiwanese Wives", and "Taikai.com", three major online legal forums, regularly publishing legal information. He hosts legal lectures, answers many difficult questions of confused Taiwanese, has good interaction with the Shanghai Office of the State Council, and does his part for the good interaction between compatriots across the Taiwan Strait, and often receives praise and thanks on the three major networks of Taiwanese businessmen, and persistently promotes the positive interaction between the people of the two places all year round!

Classic Cases
  • Representing a number of mechanical and electrical equipment procurement and installation engineering contract disputes in Shanghai, Wuhan and Guangzhou in connection with Wuhan Hongxin Semiconductor Project and Shanghai SMIC Semiconductor Project.
  • Representing a number of large German-owned enterprises in China in Shanghai, Suzhou, Harbin, Xi'an and Chongqing in difficult litigation cases concerning commercial contracts, commercial agency, product quality, intellectual property rights, commercial bankruptcy, etc..
  • Providing year-round legal services accompanying the sale and purchase of luxury properties in Shanghai for Taiwanese, Hong Kong and foreigners, and successfully handling a number of related complex cases.
  • Representing a district owner v. a property company in Shanghai and an owner's committee in Shanghai in a major property damage compensation dispute.
  • Representing a number of major and difficult architectural design and construction contract disputes.
  • Taicang a company v. Jiangsu a certain auto parts Co., Ltd. sale and purchase contract enforcement and bankruptcy liquidation disputes.
  • A dispute over the bankruptcy liquidation application of a Shanghai investment company.
  • Represented a large number of group commercial franchise dispute cases.
Social positions and honors
  • Hongkou District Non-partisan Democrats
Working Language

Chinese, English

