Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm and Shanghai Hongkou Notary Office

Release Time:2019.07.19 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

On July 18, 2019, Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm, the four major memorial halls of the Shanghai Hongkou Notary Office and the CPC CPC Memorial Hall held the signing ceremony of the “Party Construction and Communist Construction” in the four major memorials of the Communist Party of China in Sichuan Road, Hongkou District.

Comrade Hu Xiaohong, a member of the Party Committee of Shanghai Hongkou District Judicial Bureau, Deputy Director, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hongkou District Lawyers Industry, Director of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm, Comrade Xue Guocai, Member of the Party Committee of Hongkou District Lawyers Industry, Comrade Jin Heshan, Senior Partner and Secretary of the Party Branch. Comrade Liu Chao of the partner and organization committee, Comrade Zhu Weijun, Secretary of the Party Branch and In charge of the Shanghai Hongkou Notary Office, and Comrade Wu Yibin, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Four Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, participated in the signing ceremony.

The purpose of this cross -industry co -construction contract is to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in order to further build a working system for the construction of party building, industry party building, and regional chemical party building. The purpose of resource sharing, complementary advantages, and common development, improve the level of party building work, form a benign mechanism of “co -construction to promote party building and promote development” between grass -roots party organizations.

At the signing ceremony, Comrade Wu Yibin, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Four CPC Memorial Hall, first presented a warm welcome to the leaders of the four major memorials of the Communist Party of China on behalf of the four major memorial halls of the Communist Party of China. He also said: Through the co -construction of the advanced party branch of the two judicial systems of the Hongkou Notary Office and the Zhonghua Law Institute, it will promote each other’s more frequent exchange of party construction experience, and then jointly improve the level of party building services and party affairs. He also hopes that through sharing the resources and advantages of each other, the organic combination of party affairs and business is solidly promoted to the purpose of people’s services, further promoting the publicity of red culture and legal systems to the general public, and encouraging the people to improve the use of rule of law and rule of law. ability.
signing ceremony

signing ceremony

Comrade Xue Guocai, director of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm, said: It is hoped that through this pairing co -construction, in the future, we can conduct multi -content, multi -themed and multi -form party building work exchanges and learning with the four major memorial halls of the Communist Party of China and Hongkou notarization office. The experience and practices have gradually explored the sound party building and co -construction mechanism, and shared with all regional party building and co -construction units to drive and improve the overall level of regional party building work.

Comrade Zhu Weijun, Secretary of the Party Branch and Responsibilities of Shanghai Hongkou Notary Office, proposed in the signing event: The four major memorial halls of the Communist Party of China have done well in party lessons and party members’ education. There are many good experiences and practices worthy of our reference and learning. I believe that this time we work together, it will definitely promote our party building work to a new level. She also hopes that in the future, all parties can carry out a series of co -construction activities to enhance the leadership of various party branches in regional party building work, and provide strong organizational guarantee for the people to better serve the people.

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