Zhonghua Law Firm Party branch was invited to attend the spirit report of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee

Release Time:2017.01.06 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

January 6, 2017, Hongkou District Justice Bureau, Hongkou District judicial lawyers Party Committee held the Sixth plenary session of the 18th session of the report and grassroots Party branch Secretary meeting.

January 6, 2017, Hongkou District Justice Bureau, Hongkou District judicial lawyers Party Committee held the Sixth plenary session of the 18th session of the report and grassroots Party branch Secretary meeting.

Wang Hao, Secretary and Director of the Party Working Committee of the District Justice Bureau, Chen Fangyi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Working Committee of the District Justice Bureau, Xue Guocai, Director of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm, Jin Heshan, Secretary of the Party Branch, Liu Chao and other members attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Professor Liu Honglin from the Party School of Shanghai Municipal Committee gave a guidance report on Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. The report mainly focuses on the remarkable achievements and outstanding problems of strict Party governance since the 18th CPC National Congress, promotes the new requirements of strict Party governance in an all-round way, strengthens the four senses of consciousness, and strengthens the sense of responsibility. With the “Quasi-Side” and the “Regulations” as the key content, the report makes a comprehensive and detailed interpretation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.

During the meeting, Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm accepted the invitation of Hongkou District Justice Bureau and made a brief report on the work of the Party branch in 2016.

At the end of the meeting, Wang Hao, Director of Hongkou District Justice Bureau, conveyed the spirit of the 10th Party Congress of Hongkou District Committee to the comrades who attended the meeting. Wang Hao, director of Hongkou District Committee, pointed out: First, we must have a clear understanding of the situation, grasp the pulse of The Times, and do a good job in Party building in the new era. We must start with six aspects: ideological education, leading Party officials at all levels, giving full play to the role of the bastions of the community, improving the mechanism for serving and connecting with the people, severely punishing corruption, and improving the Party’s mechanism to ensure the core of the Party’s leadership. Second, we should continue to improve the level of Party building by taking the responsibility system for grassroots party building as the starting point. We must improve the Party’s organization, style of work, and personnel, make the Party’s political life serious, standardize organizational life, and constantly improve the Party’s ability to govern.

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