Acting against the epidemic, the action of Zhonghua Law

Release Time:2020.02.15 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

Acting against the epidemic, the action of Zhonghua Law

At present, the pneumonia epidemic in the infection of new coronary virus infection in my country has entered a critical period of tackling. Facing the beginning of corporate resumption, the prevention and control of the Shanghai epidemic has also entered an important stage. The Hongkou Youth Lawyer Friendship Association further played a pioneering and exemplary role, took the lead in scientifically and orderly participating in the epidemic prevention and control volunteer service, and issued an initiative in the region’s lawyers as soon as possible to form a volunteer group of Hongkou youth lawyers epidemic prevention and control. Responsibility.

Lawyer Shao Caixia, Lawyer Li Delong, and Lawyer Zhong Wenjun of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm actively participated and chose volunteer activities in the nearest community according to the arrangement of the Youth League Committee. Jingyuan Community and the Hydropower of Jiangwan Town Street 1321 Shuangxu Shuangxu area are responsible for assisting the property staff in registering in the community in and out of the community.

During this new crown pneumonia, the management team and administrative staff of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm also actively actively actively ensured that various tasks can be carried out in an orderly manner.

The epidemic has not yet dispersed, and the war “epidemic” has not yet succeeded. Everyone is still working hard. All staff members of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm are also working to contribute to the early victory over the epidemic.

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