Fighting the epidemic, lawyers of Zhonghua Institute stand on the front line

Release Time:2020.02.05 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

After the new type of coronary virus infection, the lawyers of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm have been acting.

Lawyer Zhang Yishi, as the deputy director of the Hongqiao Riverside Garden Industry Committee of Zhoujiaqiao Street, led the formulation of anti -epidemic hints, the registration form in and out of the community in the community, and the administrative measures for vehicles in the community. And through various efforts, more than 500 masks, as well as disinfection water and convenient food, provide protection and disinfection materials for front -line security, cleaning and other personnel, and equipped with infrared temperature measurement instruments in each entrance and exit of each area. Safety bottom line. At the same time, Lawyer Zhang Yishi donated 1950 disposable masks to the Changning District Health Commission’s disease prevention office and Zhoujiaqiao Street. Lawyer Xue Guocai and Zhang Yanhua also donated materials to Hubei and other places. The staff who fought at the grassroots level expressed their love.

As long as we act, our efforts to overcome the epidemic will be faster than the spread of the epidemic; as long as we are united, the epidemic protection network will be greater than the spread of the epidemic; Faith and strength will lead us to the final victory of this war.

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