Working together, guarding the open letter from all customers caused by the Chinese Law Institute

Release Time:2020.02.03 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

Dear Customer:


On the occasion of the New Year, Zhonghua Law Institute has extended sincere blessings and holiday greetings to you and your family.

Recently, the new coronary virus epidemic has affected people’s hearts. In response to the country’s epidemic prevention and control measures, in order to cooperate with the policy decisions of the Spring Festival holiday and delayed resumption of work released by the State Council and the Shanghai Municipal Government. The working mode of the time of the epidemic will be adjusted to ensure that the service quality of the China Law Institute is not affected and can better serve all customers.

1. From the establishment of the epidemic prevention and control work group on January 28, 2020, the Zhonghua Law Institute was responsible for the prevention and control of the office. At present, there is no case of confirmation or suspected cases of the new type of pneumonia.

2. From February 3rd to February 9th, 2020, Zhonghua Law Institute will adopt a more secure, stable online office, home office and other methods to provide legal services to all customers. You can contact lawyers through various methods such as telephone, WeChat, video, email, etc., and we will also ensure that our service quality is not affected during this period, and various commissioned affairs are completed on time.

February 3, 2020


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