Party Building

Practice the original heart and mission with practical actions

Participate in the Management and Development Forum of the Fifth Beibu Law Firm participated in the 5th Beibu Law Firm


From January 4, 2017 to January 26, 2017, the China Law Institute practiced judicial justice as the people.


At the beginning of 2017, the Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm accepted the invitation of the Shanghai Hongkou District People's Court to serve as a lawyer volunteer in January of the Hongkou District People's Court.

The army condolences to celebrate the “Bayi”, and the generals of the soldiers of the army, the people’s fish and water love


In order to thank the armed police soldiers of the Armed Police Shanghai Army's Second Division for their contributions to national defense construction. On July 27, 2017, Dai Ming, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of Zhonghua Institute, Liu Chao, organized member Liu Chao, party member lawyer Xia Heng, and Wu Lingling represented

Zhonghua Law Firm participated in the “Zhongxing Cup” public welfare walking activities


In China, more than 10,000 infants and young children died unfortunately due to congenital hepatobiliary diseases. With the maturity of my country's liver transplantation technology, it can provide strong technical guarantee for the success of children's liver and gallbladder transplantation.

Warm red May, love is “Kerry”


On May 24, 2017, the Federation of Trade Unions of Jiaxing Road Street, Hongkou District and Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm to provide free legal consulting activities for enterprises, employees, and residents on Jiaxing Road Street.

Our institute participates in the 12348 Shanghai Legal Aid Center Hotline Hotline Release Public Welfare Activities


From April to May 2017, Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm was invited to participate in the 12348 Shanghai Legal Aid Center hotline to receive public welfare activities.

Public welfare legal services enter the campus-Lawyer Yue Wenhui started lectures


On February 28, 2017, Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm and the Federation of Trade Unions of Jiaxing Road Street, Hongkou District provided free legal consulting activities for enterprises, employees, and residents around 288 Aijia International Building.

Zhonghua Public Welfare Lawyer Services into the building


On February 28, 2017, Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm and Jiaxing Road Street Federation of Jiaxing Road, Hongkou District

Zhonghua Public Welfare Lawyer Service Entering the Park


On March 5, 2017, Lawyer Yang Wenbin of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm participated in the Lei Feng event organized by Lu Xun Park to provide free legal consulting activities for the on -site enterprises, employees, and residents.

“Special lectures on the Basin Bridge Prison Armed Police Officer” and French Peers “


On November 12, 2016, Lawyer Liu Chao and Lawyer Xia Heng (internship) was invited by the X Brigade X Squadron of the X Qun Team of the Armed Police Shanghai Municipal Corps

“Seventh”, the party branch of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm launched condolences to old party members


On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to further do a good job of caring for the old party members of the party branch, the party branch of Shanghai Zhonghua Law Firm recently carried out activities to condolences to old party members.

Invited by the People’s Court of Hongkou District to provide a lawyer volunteer service


From January 4, 2017 to January 26, 2017, Zhonghua Law Institute practiced justice as the people and provided free litigation consulting, legal explanation of law, questioning after judgment, and questioning in the Hongkou Court.
