Professional legal services start again, and look back at the Shanghai Lawyer Services Expo

Release Time:2022.11.14 Author: WIN ZONE Lawyer

6 days

More than 2800 enterprises

461,000 person times

The intended transaction amount is US $73.52 billion

(calculated by one year)

Coordinated with the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center, the 5th International Expo has been successfully concluded. At this grand event attended by people from all over the world, the “shopping carts” of exhibitors were getting more and more full. As of 12:00 on November 10, the intended transaction amount in one year was 3.9% higher than that of the previous session.

What work have Shanghai lawyers done to provide legal services for the Expo?

Off site: 50 lawyers provide 24-hour full coverage of legal services;

On site: 10 lawyers, more than 40 legal consultations, and more than 100 on-site publicity.

It has received exhibitors from more than ten countries and regions, including Germany, Japan, France, Spain, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, including many countries along the “the Belt and Road”. It has also provided consultation on international trade, financial investment, intellectual property rights, dispute resolution and other aspects for domestic exhibitors, citizens and staff in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, etc.

These series of figures and achievements constitute the epitome of Shanghai Lawyers’ 6-day service in the Expo.

The professional force has served the Expo. Since the first lawyer was stationed in 2018, until the end of the Expo this year, the Shanghai Lawyers Association has had five sessions of experience in the legal service guarantee of the Expo, and has continued to optimize the number of personnel, structure and services, and continue to promote the professional brand of Shanghai style lawyers.

Through time and space, we walked close to the Expo site and watched the wonderful moments of Shanghai lawyers’ services at this Expo!

The composition of personnel is continuously optimized, and professional services are favored

This “legal service volunteer group for entering Expo” continued the theme of “legal services help global economic cooperation” and provided 24-hour legal services during the exhibition through on-site services and other ways. Respond to the demand for insider legal services at any time by means of on-site service+off-site support in the “comprehensive service area” of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice.

This year, the Shanghai Lawyers Association has established a professional service team consisting of 60 foreign-related and intellectual property professional lawyers, which is divided into three legal service guarantee teams, with 45 foreign related legal service professional teams on duty on site and off site in batches; The intellectual property legal service professional team consists of 6 persons in total; The legal service professional team in the Yangtze River Delta has 9 members in total.

In terms of “on-site service”, in the 4H and 3H channels of the Expo entrance venues, we can see the 10 lawyers assigned to receive the exhibitors’ consultation.

In order to effectively serve the legal service needs of Chinese and foreign enterprises, 6 of the voluntary service lawyers participating in the Fair this year can provide multilingual and multi field professional services. Based on years of experience in serving Jinbo, foreign-funded enterprises pay close attention to China’s intellectual property laws and protection policies. The Jinbo legal service volunteer group is also equipped with two intellectual property lawyers to provide emergency handling, dispute resolution and other legal services in intellectual property related fields. In addition, two lawyers from Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Law Firm Shanghai Branch continued to provide exhibitors with legal advice on the integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

Among the lawyers stationed in the Expo, there are new faces of the post-90s generation who participated in the Expo for the first time, and old acquaintances who have participated in the 4th Expo, but their common goal is to use the professional force of the rule of law to escort the successful holding of the Expo.

< Strong>The strategy of “bringing in” legal services to help global economic development

It is self-evident that the Expo will play an important role in promoting China’s high-level opening up. Since the birth of the Expo, the “China proposition” of promoting the construction of an open world economy has also been constantly mentioned. With the help of the window of the Expo, lawyers are also giving full play to their unique advantages, actively contributing to the development of the global economy, and serving the country’s “introduction” strategy with laws.

“Believe in the strength of the country, actively recommend China to foreign exhibitors, take the initiative to be a spokesman for optimizing the domestic business environment, and use the professional strength of lawyers to serve the Expo”. Lawyer Zhang Xiaoke said. In order to popularize the importance of compliance risk control for state-owned enterprises in Shandong Province that come to the booth to consult international trade and attract investment and talents, the resident lawyers actively run among exhibitors. Zhao Hongsheng believes that “whether recruiting international talents or domestic talents, we should attach great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, especially the protection of trade secrets, to prevent a series of disputes arising from the lack of compliance of recruiting talents”.

Legal services help global economic cooperation “. The striking theme of the delegation echoes the purpose of holding the Expo. What are the requirements for foreign companies to apply for branches in China? What are the policies and regulations on foreign investment and foreign enterprises’ landing in Shanghai? There is no doubt that these are the key issues concerned by international exhibitors participating in the Expo.

Lawyers Chen Chen and Shen Jing, who have served as resident lawyers of the 4th China International Fair, received enterprises with branches in China, and answered the legal policies on foreign investment and related matters concerning the establishment of representative offices in Shanghai. Legal services are needed to register new companies and maintain brands. In the face of these real needs, lawyers actively follow up, strive for the implementation of foreign investment projects, and help to open up the “last mile” through professional services to promote the integration and development of the global economy.

Undertake professional escort and ensure the reserve force

This year, the Shanghai Lawyers Association selected the best from the best, and continued to organize a number of volunteer service lawyers to enter the exhibition venues. During the exhibition, they carried out on-site services in the comprehensive service area “Foreign related Legal Service Center of the Municipal Bureau of Justice”, providing professional legal consulting services for exhibitors who came to the exhibition site to seek legal help.

In addition, voluntary service lawyers also actively visited exhibitors, provided professional legal advice and services for all parties to the exhibition, and carried out publicity on Shanghai’s business environment policies.

For five consecutive years of “full attendance”, Shanghai lawyers have gathered in the “four leaf grass” to interpret the practice of the rule of law faith and the initial intention of legal services with professionalism, action and enthusiasm.

“Entity+Program”, update the key content module of the small blue book

As a window for exhibitors and overseas subjects to learn about China’s latest laws and regulations on foreign investment and foreign trade, “Little Blue Book” has become a landmark brand for Shanghai lawyers to serve the Expo for many years. This year, the three “small blue books” have also taken on a new look, and they have been comprehensively upgraded to “Lawyers’ Interpretation of Policies and Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment in Shanghai”, “Questions and Answers on Intellectual Property Rights” and “Questions and Answers on International Trade Laws”. The Lawyers’ Interpretation of Policies and Regulations on Optimizing Business Environment in Shanghai, Version 5.0, Version 3.0 of Questions and Answers on Intellectual Property Policies and Regulations, and Version 2.0 of Questions and Answers on International Trade Laws were launched.

The Lawyers’ Interpretation of Policies and Regulations on Optimizing Business Environment in Shanghai has upgraded 13 aspects of “starting enterprises”, “obtaining credit”, “paying taxes”, “cross-border trade”, “government procurement” and “implementing contracts” in accordance with the latest Implementation Plan of Shanghai’s Business Environment Innovation Pilot and Shanghai’s Priorities on Optimizing Business Environment in 2022, to further enhance timeliness and practicality.

On the basis of the three modules of the Q&A on Intellectual Property Rights, namely, the scientific popularization of intellectual property rights, the countermeasures for exhibitors/intellectual property rights holders to deal with common problems of intellectual property rights, and the Q&A on enterprise registration and business environment, Version 3.0 focuses on updating the contents of the last two modules, and will give more effective legal guidance to exhibitors in terms of entity and procedure.

The “International Trade Questions and Answers” was renamed as “Questions and Answers on International Trade Legal Issues”. The 100 knowledge questions and answers were reduced to 66, and the relevant policy content was updated to give exhibitors more precise legal guidance.

The Expo is the first national level exhibition held with the theme of import in the world. It is a major initiative of China to open its market to the world. The Expo has become a microcosm of China’s adherence to high-level opening up. Over the past five years, Shanghai lawyers have provided professional, comprehensive, convenient and warm legal services for the Expo, enabling exhibitors to have a deeper understanding of Shanghai’s international market influence and the first-class legal, international and convenient business environment, making positive contributions to the Expo’s legal services and the optimization of Shanghai’s business environment!

Transferred from Dongfang Lawyer Network

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